June 14, 1922 the first medal was given to a boy in high school who had the best athletic and scholastic record. The first recipient was Oscar Witt of Marshfield. May 4, 1939 the high school of the Village of Auburndale was included. A boy from Columbus High School of Marshfield was added after that school was in operation.
For a few years after each war the members participated in baseball, basketball, etc., but as they get older, they cannot actively take part in the strenuous sports. The post had a basketball team for a short time after each War, with more or less success. The basketball equipment was sold Feb. 2, 1948.
The local post had teams in the district and state bowling tournaments, and the Wisconsin Legion Bowling Tournament was held at Marshfield, beginning March 14, 1942. 365 teams attended from all over the state. The city of Marshfield produced 106 teams to make this tournament a success, and the members worked hard day and night to put this across. The tournament made a profit for the post. This was one project that was not left to one or two members to handle, but the whole post worked hard in shifts. As this event lasted about six weeks, you can see the members were very faithful.
The American Legion Baseball was first organized in 1927 and disbanded in 1929 due to lack of operatimg funds. It was operated again from 1935 to 1942, when it was turned over to the City Recreation Director, and at that time the post equipped the team with uniforms and other equipment. The post organized a team again in 1938, but the war stopped it, but it was operated again very successfully from 1946 to 1950. Sept. 2, 1948 the post received the 8th District Championship trophy, and on Sept. 1, 1949, the post was awarded a trophy for second place in the Junior American Legion Tournament held at West Bend. The Ford magazine carried an article about American Legion Baseball in Marshfield. For a number of years they were unable to operate because it was impossible to find a manager.
Junior Baseball was one project that always left to one or two members to handle, and after a few years the manager gets tired of giving up all his summer, and this is the main reason for the sporadic operation of past baseball teams. The ability of the boys of that age is more or less the same throughout the years, but the teams require management and financing, as well as transportation in order to function, and that has always a challenge as well.
Immediately after World War ll a campaign was started to get National Guard units for Marshfield. The Adjutant General of Wisconsin notified us that an infantry company had been allocated to Marshfield, and that this decision could not be changed. After considerable correspondence, in 1947 the Adjutant General requested to assign two artillery units to Marshfield, and August 28, 1947 official word was received by the post that two batteries had been assigned to Marshfield, Batteries B and C of the 128th Field Artillery.
The first National Convention was held at Minneapolis in 1919, and a delegate was sent there from this post. The State of Wisconsin had separate conventions because of two factions, before they were finally combined, and the Marshfield Post was in attendance. From then on the Marshfield Post had delegates at all state conventions, and in early years there was usually someone at the national conventions, either as a delegate or as a visitor. The Commander and Adjutant invariably attended the district and state meetings for commanders and adjutants. The state meeting for Post Commanders was held in Marshfield in February 1921, and it was a successful affair.
June 19, 1919 the Red Arrow Celebration was held at what is now Wildwood Park to welcome home the veterans of World War L, A committee of citizens handled this affair and they barbecued an ox that weighed 820 lbs. The stuffing consisted of 30 lbs. Of bacon, 30 lbs of liver, 30 loaves of bread, 1 bushel of onions, 3 gallons of catsup. An oven was built especially for roasting the ox. The ox made excellent eating. The celebration consisted of music, speeches and the reunion of many men who had not seen one another for several years. This was followed by a dance.
August 10, 1946 was the day of the big Homecoming Celebration for the veterans of World ll. Following a big prade, there was an air show, banquet and dance. December 6, 1945 American Legion Post entertained the returning veterans of World War ll at a dinner at the armory.
There has always been a difficulty in getting a good turnout at regular meetings. Many schemes have been tried to bring them out, but it takes something exceptional to accomplish this. The Legion started out with monthly meetings, and a short time later two meetings a month were tried. This was not successful, and the monthly meetings were resumed. Entertainment, speakers, lunches, prizes, all have been tried with varying success.
October 6, 1932 a joint installation of the officers of Nekoosa, Babcock, Dexterville, Pittsville and Marshfield posts was held, district Commander Monk of Wausau installing the officers. The auxiliary units of the above posts also installed their officers at the same time. Monthly meetings were also occasionally held in Auburndale, and at first this was successful.